Eating Mindfully MP3

Eating Mindfully MP3

Sale Price:$7.95 Original Price:$19.95

Reprogram yourself to eat mindfully - only when your body needs food, and begin losing weight daily.

Hypnosis Recording with Erika Flint

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This powerful 15 minute long hypnosis mp3 recording will help you lose weight with the simple yet powerful suggestion that you eat mindfully easily and effortlessly. Letting go of all emotional drive to eat, you eat when you’re hungry and stop when your full. Increasing awareness of everything around you, and allowing you to eat only when you’re hungry, this recording encourages safe and healthy weight loss while also giving your body 15 minutes of healthy relaxation and stillness.

Listening to this recording regularly compliments any existing weight loss program you are on, and will help motivate you to stay on track while also giving your body healthy amounts of calm and relaxation

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