Uncovering The Secret Language of Feelings
Have you ever wondered why people do the things they do? Or what causes people to feel a certain way? In this class we uncover The Secret Language of Feelings, based on the very popular and highly rated book by Cal Banyan.
Many people ignore their feelings and try to distract themselves from painful feelings like feeling unloved, inadequate, lonely, or bored by eating, drinking, smoking, or a variety of other distracting behaviors. Some distracting behaviors are healthy, but when they keep us from leading a happy and successful life, it’s common to feel stuck and out of control.
It’s possible to regain control – and in the process learn more about yourself. It starts by understanding the what’s at the root of our behavior – our feelings, perceptions, and thoughts.
You will walk out of this class with a better understanding of yourself and the human condition and a new way to lead your life that will leave you feeling satisfied and fulfilled like never before.
A Message From Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Erika Flint, Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor. I love teaching the Uncovering the Secret Language of Feelings Workshop because it is highly meaningful and rewarding to help students learn more about themselves. It’s especially gratifying to be part of students path when they “get” the message in this book. I know you’ll love it to.
Course Date: TBD