Do You Want to Stop Smoking?

Are you ready to stop smoking for good?

We know smoking isn’t good for us. We know it’s expensive. We know we could add years to our life and life to our years if we quit. We know, we know, we know. So if we know, why don’t we quit?

Some of the reasons for not stopping smoking that I’ve heard from my clients are:

  • It’s too hard
  • I can’t do it
  • I’ve tried and I started again
  • I’ll gain weight
  • I won’t be able to handle my stress
  • I get too grumpy when I don’t smoke
  • All my friends smoke

I know it’s hard, I know it hurts and I know you are having an inner conflict about continuing to smoke.

I know you worry about what it is doing to your health.

How hard will it be to tell your family you are sick from smoking?

It’s not like you aren’t smart,  but how smart does continuing to smoke make you feel?

Grade School Smoking

I was surprised at the amount of people who had their first cigarette in grade school.

One of my clients started smoking when she was ten, which in itself isn’t that unusual but when she came to see me she was 80. That meant she’d been smoking for 70 years.

When she came to her first session she was unsure about hypnosis and not that happy to be there even though it was her idea to try hypnosis. She left her first session relaxed, hopeful and pleasantly surprised by the way she felt.

By the time she came to her second session she was feeling great about her ability to cut down on her smoking after only one session (reminder : she had a 70 year old habit!) and was looking forward to our time together.

This was a 70 year old pack-a-day habit!

She ended up coming to see me for 5 sessions (but many people stop smoking in 2 sessions) and didn’t have any cigarettes after her 3rd session. It was important for her to find something to fill the time she had used for smoking with something healthier.

She figured out she was wanting connection with people and started to date.

We are never too old to work on ourselves.

Hypnosis Helps You Stop Smoking - Even When Everything Else Has Failed

People are able to quit smoking every day with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis can help when everything else has failed.

Hypnosis can help you replace the unhealthy habit of smoking with healthy habits.

It helps reduce your cravings and makes quitting more manageable.

If you smoke, quitting smoking is one of the single most important things you can do to improve your health. But you probably already know that.

Hypnosis has a much higher success rate in helping people become non-smokers than other modalities - and maybe that is news. 

Shannon Wallace is a Registered and Board Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists
Shannon Wallace is a Registered and Board Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists

Hi. I'm Shannon Wallace, CHT.

I help people stop smoking every day with the power of hypnosis.

Give yourself one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.

Get rid of the worry, costs and inconveniences associated with smoking cigarettes.

It’s time to feel the freedom of being a non-smoker. You CAN do it and hypnosis can help.

We help people quit smoking for good all the time.

Call us today to get started now : 360-392-8723, or click on the following button to take advantage of our Fall Special for Stopping Smoking : 2 Session Stop Smoking Package